Where we work and what we do

We have offices at the Green Banks centre for disabled children, Margate, and Orchards centre for disabled children, Sittingbourne. These are fantastic modern resources for disabled children, where medical staff such as occupational therapists, physio therapists, audiologists and dentists work alongside disabled children’s social work teams and charities like For Us Too, to provide a joined up service to local children and their families.

We provide family support services and drop-ins at both centres, and also run fun days and events across Swale, Canterbury and Thanet.

For Us Too’s Orchards contact details:

Orchards, Attlee Way, Milton Regis, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 2HE

Telephone: 01795 227171 – please note this is not the phone number for Orchards reception, this is For Us Too’s number only.

Supported Education Session Enrolled pupils  (term time)

Tuesday 10am -2pm        Friday 10am 12:30pm

Along side these sessions we have parental support / coffee mornings

we offer training and workshops whilst creating an environment where parents can network

Facilities on site – Soft Play and Sensory Room  (need booking)

we can offer support with EHCP and diagnosis applications.

Advice Literature for parents to take away or click the linked topics  to download ~

Green Banks contact details:

Green Banks, Westfield Road, Garlinge, Margate, Kent, CT9 5PA

Telephone: 01843 446030 – please note this is not the phone number for Green Banks reception, this is For Us Too’s number only.

As all our staff work part-time, it is best to phone or email ahead and make an appointment if you’d like to come to the office to see a member of staff. Families and professionals are welcome.

Green Banks and Orchards are both equipped with fantastic soft play and sensory rooms, which families of disabled children can book for private use. Please ask For Us Too staff if you’d like to do this.

Supported Education Session  enrolled pupils (term time)

Tuesday 10am -12:30 pm        Thursday 10am -2 pm

1st Thursday is at  the Windmill Community Gardens,  the other sessions are at Green Banks.

Along side these sessions we have parental support / coffee mornings

Facilities on site – Soft Play and Sensory Room  (need booking)

we offer training and workshops whilst creating an environment parents can network. please connect with our Facebook page for details

Along side these sessions we have parental support / coffee mornings

we offer training and workshops whilst creating an environment where parents can network

Facilities on site – Soft Play and Sensory Room  (need booking)

we can offer support with EHCP and diagnosis applications

Advice Literature for parents to take away or click on the linked topics to download

Please check our notices on Facebook or give us a call to find out when the next session in your area is.

Our Advice Hub- 116a High Street Margate CT9 1JW

We have recently opened an advice hub in the heart of Margate where people can drop in during the week, Tuesday Wednesday and Friday term time  from 10am until 2pm for support and advice or just for a chat and a coffee.


Our toy and book libraries enable children to access both educational and fun toys/books. There is a small soft play area for younger children and lots of games and activities for all ages.

We are open on some weekends and after school for activities for children such as Movie clubs and LEGO therapy.



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